Sunday, September 5, 2010

Visit to undergrad.

I really enjoyed visiting my undergrad. I got to see a lot of my friends, including a few class of 2010 people that were in the area.

It was definitely kind of odd though---very bittersweet. I do miss a lot from undergrad, but in a way, going back sort of confirmed my thoughts that I was ready to move on. I miss my friends and profs, but I realized that when talking to a friend and describing why the metalloprotein I'm currently working on is super interesting---I'm really happy to be working on something I'm passionate about. I love biophysical chem and metalloproteins, and at undergrad, I didn't get to work on either.

It would have been a better weekend if I could have seen Lab Soulmate and Lab Mom, but neither was possible. I saw a lot of good friends, got some work done, and had fun. Though staying up watching Spirited Away (very enjoyable movie, by the way) with friends until 4 AM was probably a bad idea when I was meeting up with a friend for breakfast at 8:30. But yeah.

Anyways, back to working on my group presentation that has now actually been firmly scheduled for Tuesday. Wish me luck!


  1. Wish I could have been there....Who let us apply and go to different grad schools, anyway?! That was our first mistake....(Or was it deciding to apply to grad school at all that was our first mistake?)

    My new "Lab Soulmate" rocks, but he's just not the same. For one thing, he doesn't make up dances that are literal interpretations of Motown lyrics with me, so he's definitely not replacing you anytime soon. :)

  2. For serious! I'm still upset that our cross lab project never occurred so that we could actually work in the same lab.

    And glad to hear I'm not replaceable! I miss our Motown dance parties. And our terrible pop dance parties. Essentially, all of our dance parties. Thanks for listening to me rant earlier today. :)
