Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You know you have a rockin' boss when

you present him with data showing that a major part of your plan doesn't work and he makes you laugh, tells you to try again because it probably didn't work for a different reason, and proceeds to tell you that your idea was a good one.

Happy birthday, bossman!

Friday, April 8, 2011

It's not grad school unless

you're in the lab crying because you just wasted 2.5 weeks barking up the wrong tree at 11pm on a Friday night.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ok, grad school, I get it. I was feeling positive about you and then I realized that I cannot physically do:
a) my research
b) my classes
c) my TAing
d) my running
e) my dealing with my apartment water heater leaking all over
f) keeping up with literature
g) catching up with literature

I cannot. Do. All of these. Well. This week has been TA/apartment/classes heavy and I am getting so little done on research. This is ridiculous.

Also, NSF? I thought I was going to get actual feedback on my proposal. If you tell me that I'm awesome and then don't tell me how to improve so I can attempt to get funding next year, that's not helpful. At all.