Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm not dead!

Guess what guys? I'm only *slightly* dead!

Just kidding. Sorta.

These past few weeks have been...ridiculous. Here's the lowdown:
1. The prof I'm TAing ochem lab for is a total jerk who is very good at wasting my time.
2. I got super sick with a major cold for the first week of school.
3. I'm working 6 days a week in lab, with a 7:30 am start time. My classes are at night so I don't leave campus until 8 or 9 pm. This is rather brutal.
4. I am in a love/hate relationship with TAing.
5. I have not read a research paper for weeks and I'm falling farther behind.
6. Ran my first half marathon with a time of 2:10!
7. My PI is submitting a grant on my project that is due at the end of this week. Since the other grad student on this project has been fulfilling all of his figure and rewrite related requests, I've been doing her labwork and mine. I am very glad for this week to end soon.
8. My first midterm of my x-ray crystallography class is tomorrow.

Unsurprisingly, I feel as if I'm doing a shitty job at all 4 categories of my life: lab, school, TAing, and running.

Even though I am stressed out, I still am vaguely enjoying all of this. For some reason.